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Siemens Solid Edge CAM Pro 2019 x64 電腦輔助製造軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)





Siemens Solid Edge CAM Pro 2019 x64 電腦輔助製造軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Siemens Solid Edge CAM Pro 2019 x64 電腦輔助製造軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Win 7/8/10 64-bit 軟體類型:電腦輔助製造軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2018-08-28 官方網站:https://solidedge.siemens.com/ 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. Install or update the SolidSQUAD Universal License Server If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server has never been installed on the computer: - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server is already installed, but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update the server installation: - As administrator run "uninstall.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is not newer than the installed one but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update SiemensPLM module only: - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_SiemensPLM_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes 2. Install Siemens Solid Edge CAM Pro 2019 Win64. At setup in "Licensing" window for "Enter server name(s) or a license file" input: 27800@localhost 3. Replace original (by default : C:\Program Files\Siemens\Solid Edge CAM Pro 12.0.2 ) with cracked one from folder Client 4. Run "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg" and confirm to add info into Windows Registry 5. Reboot computer! 6. Enjoy 軟體簡介:   Solid Edge CAM Pro – 一個全面的,高度靈活的系統,它使用最新的加工技術 來有效地編程您的數控機床,從簡單的NC編程到高速和多軸加工。 零件和元件 的關聯刀具路徑加速設計更改和更新。 除了傳統的製造流程之外,Solid Edge 還支援自動化列印準備和彩色列印,以便將增材製造直接列印到印表機或3D列 印服務中,從而使您的想法成為現實。 Solid Edge CAM Pro提供支援CNC加工和銑削功能,包括轉換器,裝配建模,模 型編輯,視覺化,驗證,後期處理。 Solid Edge manufacturing solutions help manufacturers to define and execute a wide range of traditional and new manufacturing processes including CNC machining, nesting, cutting, bending, molding, welding, assembling, and additive manufacturing. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
