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SPI SheetMetalWorks 2016.1 (SolidWorks鈑金展開分析插件) 英文破解版





SPI SheetMetalWorks 2016.1 (SolidWorks鈑金展開分析插件) 英文破解版 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:SPI SheetMetalWorks 2016.1 (SolidWorks鈑金展開分析插件) 英文破解版 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:For Windows 7/ 8 / 10 軟體類型:SolidWorks鈑金展開分析插件 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2016-06-25 官方網站:http://www.spi-sheetmetalworks.com 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$80元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. Install SPI SheeMetalworks 2016.1 for SW2016 64bit 2. Copy file "SpiSwShm.dll" to \lib64\ (by default for English version in C:\Program Files (x86)\SPI GmbH\SPI SheetMetalWorks 2016.1\lib64\ ; for German version in C:\Program Files (x86)\SPI GmbH\SPI SheetMetalWorks 2016.1 Deutsch\lib64\) and overwrite original one 3. Run SW2016 > SPI SheetMetalworks > Application Options and input "I want to register a single-user license for this computer" > Next > "First time registration of a bought license" > Next > input ANY info you like (Company Name, Adress.. ets. Be sure to use right letter or digit format) > Next > input any info you like about youself ( Be sure to use right letter or digit format) > Next > input any 10-digit code (for example 1111111111) > next > confirm to lock license to NetWork Card > Next > Do not confirm to send the report to developers (NO) > Finish 4. Enjoy   軟體簡介:   SheetMetalWorks是專門為鈑金加工業中的SolidWorks用戶而研製的,它利用功能 強大的基本系統,可以生成利用SolidWorks進行鈑金設計的總體生產方 案。這樣 ,SPI就可以把SolidWorks中的縮短計算擴展到用戶隨時可自由配置的材料管理, 因而從一開始就可以正確地做到材料的配給. SPI GmbH, introduced SheetMetalWorks 2016.1, is the certified Goldpartner Solution for the SOLIDWORKS CAD software, fully integrated into the current Version, and – even in the case of complex designs, facilitates fast and ready to manufacture sheet metal unfolding. SPI's SheetMetalWorks enhance the respective basic system by adding decisive, tried-and-tested functions – particularly as regards the closed process chain and digital transfer to the respective NC programming system. SPI SheetMetalWorks is fully integrated into the current SOLIDWORKS CAD software and facilitates precise sheet metal unfolding – even in the case of complex constructions. Special libraries are available for unfolding components consisting of a single part or of assemblies, transitions and connections, and can be expanded to accommodate as many of your own parametric components as you like. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
