2.安裝PreSonus Studio One 3 Installer (x64)
PreSonus Studio One 3 Installer
4.在studioone_keygen中點擊Patch,找到 "Studio One.exe" 並打開
(再Pctch過程中請勿打開Studio One,避免Pctch不成功)
5.運行Studio One 3,選擇離線啟動,複製機器碼到studioone_keygen註冊機
點擊GENERATE,生成一些授權文件(密鑰),拖拽授權文件 (密鑰Studio One 3 Professional)
到Studio One 3 中機器碼的下面那個框即可
The next standard is here! Introducing Studio One 3. New version 3 builds
on the blazingly fast workflow, unparalleled sound quality, and rock-solid
stability that made Studio One the fastest growing DAW of all time. It adds
innovative songwriting and arranging tools, inspiring and unique sound-design
capabilities, and a gorgeous new, high-dpi, multi-touch interface that is
optimized to keep you engaged, even on extended sessions.