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Hollywood Edge The Edge Edition CDDA (經典之作) 光碟正式版 (4片裝)





Hollywood Edge The Edge Edition CDDA (經典之作) 光碟正式版 (4片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Hollywood Edge The Edge Edition CDDA (經典之作) 光碟正式版 (4片裝) 語系版本: 光碟片數:4片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:經典之作 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2004/2/11 官方網站:www.hollywoodedge.com/the_acb/showdetl.cfm?&User_ID=94099&St=6 中文網站:www.hollywoodedge.com/the_acb/showdetl.cfm?&User_ID=94099&St=6 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:320 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: New Digital World Studio Hollywood Edge The Edge Edition CDDA (經典之作) 光碟正式版 (4片裝) !!!產品類別: CDDA音源資料 !!!參考網址: www.hollywoodedge.com/the_acb/showdetl.cfm?&User_ID=94099&St=6 507&St2=59691330&St3=84826723&DS_ID=2&Product_ID=726&DID=9 CDDA是屬於高音質音樂資料庫的一種,它除了提供給你超聽覺的感受外,更提供一 般單音道或是電子樂所無法表現的音場、音質,效果、質感絕對是一流的,所以這 種音樂品質,絕對是音樂的愛好者或是專門處理音樂的工作人,所需要的最高級聖 品,最重要的是這些音樂資料庫因為製作及收音的困難,所以不論是製作成本及製 作人的品質都是屬於高等級、高成本,所以相對的售價來看長期都是屬於高單價的 作品哦!! NDW STUDIO. The Edge Edition was my first purchase. I needed to be competitive, and I had to work on a budget. The Edge Edition wa a natural choice. When it arrived in my studio I was amazed by over 800 newly created sound effects. Two projects later, the collection was completely paid for! I remember working on a commercial that needed motorcycles, impacts, office sounds, slamming doors, buzzers, and telephones All of this was carefully mixed into the natural sound of the shoot. The end result got me FOUR more jobs , and I brought the production in under my budget. That was a nice feeling, and it made me look great to the "money people"! Even in some of my music productions, The Edge Edition has foun its way into songs. The vast number of effects can be sampled as wave files and inserted into a music sequence. By doing production in this fashion, I can precisely control the sound effect hit time right down to the frame! In The Edge Edition, I found endless really outstanding effects. I have actually used a golf swing and hit within a piece of music. It turned out to be a perfect filler instrument on the drum track. Choose among clocks, crashes, doors, toilets, alarm birds, horses and the list goes on and on. Why, you can even fr meat and eat potato chips! When you're finished, cue up track 57 on disc 3 and you'll find five versions of belches. If you're getting started or on a tight budget, The Edge Editio is a great way to bring quality sound effects to your project with a no - compromise attitude. Hollywood.Edge.The.Edge.Edition.Cdda-CoBaLT NDW STUDIO -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
