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MathWorks MATLAB R2020b v9.9.0.1524771 Update 2 Only x64 數位計算和高級繪圖軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)





MathWorks MATLAB R2020b v9.9.0.1524771 Update 2 Only x64 數位計算和高級繪圖軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:MathWorks MATLAB R2020b v9.9.0.1524771 Update 2 Only x64 數位計算和高級繪圖軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7/8/10 軟體類型:數位計算和高級繪圖軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2020-12-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 0. Mount iso-file R2020b_Windows.iso to virtual disk. For Windows 8 and lower you probably need soft like Daemon Tools Lite (or similar) 1. Run setup.exe from that virtual disk and if you see login/password/signin form (you gave access to internet for installer) then in apper left corner in "Advanced Options" select setup mode "I have a File Installation Key" If internet access is absent then required setup mode will be autoselected and you do not need to set setup mode 2. When you will be asked to "Enter File Installation Key" enter 09806-07443-53955-64350-21751-41297 3. When you will be asked to "Select License File" select license.lic 4. Then select folder where you want Matlab to be installed. When you will be asked to "Select products" deselect component "Matlab Parallel Server" and select components you need. If you will leave all components selected matlab will need 32Gb of disk space and longer startup time. If you left only "MATLAB" - 3Gb of disk space You better setup matlab on SSD disk for better startup time, so most likely you do not want to waste SSD-disk size for nothing. 5. Then in "Select Options" select "Add shortcut to desktop" 6. Components setup progress may be shown incorrectly (for example allways show 0%) ... just wait. Or if installation process takes too long start to monitor growth size of folder where you are installing matlab If it size is not growing several minutes then restart setup 7. After installation is done copy file "libmwlmgrimpl.dll" to already existing folder "\bin\win64\matlab_startup_plugins\lmgrimpl" with overwriting of existing file ( - is where you have installed Matlab) 8. Copy "license.lic" file to \licenses folder Alternatively you can just start Matlab. In that case you will got window asking you to select license First select "Activate manually without the Internet" and then in field "Enter the full path to your license file, including the file name" select "license.lic" file 9. Work with matlab :) If setup hang in step 1-6 then force to close setup and start again from step 1 P.S. license.lic additionally to possibilities of license_standalone.lic gives Matlab permission to work from remote desktop (RDP) This allow not to use license_server.lic in certain cases P.S.2 File Installation Key you give to installer actually depend on Matlab edition and type of license you want For standalone license use license.lic or license_standalone.lic and keys: For workstation use case (typical configuration) : 09806-07443-53955-64350-21751-41297 For cluster node "Matlab Production Server" : 40236-45817-26714-51426-39281 For floating license use license_server.lic and keys: For workstation use case (typical configuration) : 31095-30030-55416-47440-21946-54205 For cluster node "Matlab Production Server" : 57726-51709-20682-42954-31195 軟體簡介:   MATLAB是由美國MathWorks公司出品的專業數學軟體,用於演算法開發,資料視覺化, 資料分析以及數值計算的高級技術計算語言和互動式環境,MATLAB是矩陣和實驗室兩 個詞的組合,意為矩陣工廠(矩陣實驗室),主要包括MATLAB和Simulink兩大部分。 它將數值分析,矩陣計算,科學資料視覺化以及非線性動態系統的建模和仿真等諸多 強大功能集成在一個易於使用的視窗環境中,為科學研究,工程設計以及必須進行有 效數值計算的眾多科學領域提供了一種全面的解決方案,並在很大程度上擺脫了傳統 非互動式程式設計語言(如C,Fortran的)的編輯模式,代表了當今國際科學計算軟 體的先進水準。 MathWorks MATLAB和Mathematica,楓木並稱為三大數學軟體。它在數學類科技應用 軟體中在數值 計算方面首屈一指。MATLAB可以進行矩陣運算,繪製函數和資料,實 現演算法,創建用戶介面,連接其他編程語言的程式等,主要應用於工程計算,控 制設計,信號處理與通訊,圖像處理,信號檢測,金融建模設計與分析等領域。MATLAB 的基本資料單位是矩陣,它的指令運算式與數學,工程中常用的形式十分相似,故 用MATLAB來解算問題要比用C,FORTRAN等語言完成相同的事情簡捷得多,並且MATLAB 也吸收了像楓樹等軟體的優點,使MATLAB成為一個強大的數學軟體。在新的版本中也 加入了對C,FORTRAN,C ++,JAVA的支持。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
