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Autodesk Stingray 2018 v1.9 (3D遊戲開發引擎軟體) 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)





Autodesk Stingray 2018 v1.9 (3D遊戲開發引擎軟體) 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Autodesk Stingray 2018 v1.9 (3D遊戲開發引擎軟體) 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7/ 8.x / 10 軟體類型:3D遊戲開發引擎軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2018-04-28 官方網站:http://www.autodesk.com 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. Install Stingray 1.9.1494.0 by selecting the desired components. 2. Copy the keygen you need (32-bit or 64-bit) from folder Crack to your hard drive. If you do not, he will not work correctly. 3. Start the program. A window will appear asking you to enter the serial number. number or use a network license. Select "Use serial number "(Enter a Serial Number) .Consider the statement of confidentiality. In the licensing window that opens, click "Ak- Activate. "In the next window, use 111-11111111 as the serial number and A72J1 as the product code, after then click "Next". 4. In the window that opens, you will be notified that your serial number is invalid. linen. Click "Close" and confirm the cancellation operation. The licensing window reopens, where you again need to will click "Activate". In the next window, those 111-11111111, 222-22222222 or 333-33333333 as a serial numbers and A72J1 as the product code, and click "Next". In the window that opens, select "I have an Autodesk activation code" (I have an activation code from Autodesk). 5. On behalf of the administrator, launch the hard drive on the hard drive (right Click on the file and select "Run as administrator ") and click the Patch button in the keygen window. A window with the message "Successfully patched" appears. 6. In the Keygen Request field, copy the Request Code from the license window Autodesk, replacing them with the inscription "Paste Request here. "After that, click the Generate button and the result From the Activation field of the keygen, move it to the Activation Code field (Activation Code) of the Autodesk licensing window. Click the button "Next". A successful activation message should appear product. ATTENTION! Generated Activation Code is somewhat longer than the field allocated for it in the keygen. Try not to lose a part characters when copying. But, also, I want to note that this code shorter than the space allocated for it in the licensing window Autodesk. The sixteenth field remains unfilled, and the fifteenth It contains only one character - the letter Z. This does not prevent activation. 7. Enjoy the registered version of the product! 軟體簡介:   Autodesk發佈自家公司的的遊戲引擎Stingray。  最早在3月份Autodesk就宣佈將要推出Stingray,其實早在2014年Autodesk就收購一 個名叫Butsquid的引擎——它存在已經好幾年時間了。基於Butsquid的引擎,較著名的像 是射擊遊戲《地獄潛者(Helldivers)》。 Autodesk的遊戲負責人Frank Delise表示,Butsquid的核心沒有做出什麼較大改變。不 過在其他方面就有變化了,像是用了不同的介面,而且和Autodesk的設計工具結合得更 加緊密。很難說Stingray能讓遊戲做到何等程度,但從截屏來看似乎還挺不錯。 據說遊戲開發團隊以及藝術家、動畫師和紋理設計師都可以非常輕鬆地即時預覽其工作 內容。比如說在Maya中構建或修改一個角色,它幾乎可以立即在Stingray的編輯器中展 示出來。另外還有虛擬拖拽編程工具,在無需學習Lua腳本語言的情況下就能完成一些 簡單的任務。 Autodesk即將發佈自家公司遊戲引擎Stingray   “如果你是個AAA開發者,你要做的就是購買3D工具,以及購買其他工具,然後再買 個遊戲引擎,或者你自己構建個引擎,再組建個團隊。我們要做的就是做大量的定制化 工作。”Autodesk同樣也在推銷其Creative Market,這是Autodesk去年收購的,專為開 發者購買和出售模型,或者其他遊戲工具的地方。 Stingray採用訂閱的形式。基礎支持是30美元一個月,如果是長期購買的話會有優惠, 針對學生則有免費的選擇。相比較,Unity提供的基礎編輯器和引擎和免費的,團隊授 權和其他特性每月訂閱費用75美元;Epic針對每季度收入超3000美元的虛幻4引擎(Unreal Engine 4)遊戲收5%的使用費。 Autodesk同時也表示,今年晚些時間,Stingray會包含在羽量級的Maya LT訂閱中。這 是款偏向於那些相對專業的開發者準備的工具,而不是首次接觸遊戲開發的人。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
