Spansoft Kith and Kin Pro v3.1.1 家族系譜軟體 英文破解版
Spansoft Kith and Kin Pro v3.1.1 家族系譜軟體 英文破解版
軟體名稱:Spansoft Kith and Kin Pro v3.1.1 家族系譜軟體 英文破解版
系統支援:For WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN 7
Name: BEAN
Kith and Kin Pro 是儲存、查詢和編寫家族系譜的程式。強大的資料庫庫記錄,
Kith and Kin Pro is a genealogy software package for storing, querying
and documenting family trees. It features a unique, easy to use graphical
interface and powerful data management tools which makes it ideal for
large or small trees.
The Kith and Kin series is the original Windows genealogy software,
started in 1993 under Windows 3.1, and used by thousands of users in
over 50 countries worldwide.
Now completely revised and updated for all Windows versions from 98
to Vista and Win7
Runs under Windows 98, Me, 2k, NT4, XP, Vista, Win7 (32bit and 64bit).
Unique family tree display on screen lets you easily navigate your data.
Source document recording. Each field in a person or family data form has
a button which lets you record a source reference for that field. The
reference points to a page in a source document and the document points
to a repository where the document is kept.
Export reports to Adobe PDF files which can be read by anyone with the
free Adobe Acrobat reader.
Web page production. Completely automatic; all you have to do is upload
the files to your Web site.
Simple searches. Type the text into the field you want to search for and
click "Search".
Search for similar sounding surnames using Metaphone and Soundex.
SQL queries (Structured Query Language) for complex searching and producing
custom list reports and text files.
Unlimited user-defined fields in both people and families. You can choose
the field type; string, date, etc.
Almost unlimited storage. 2,100 million of any one record type in any tree.
Full GEDCOM V5.5 implementation. Registered with the LDS for Ancestral File
and TempleReady submissions.
Multiple pictures can be associated with people, families and sources.
Pictures can be included in Details reports and Web pages.
OLE objects can be associated with people or families. This allows you to
store multi-media items such as video or sounds.
Duplicate record searching/removal assistance. If you regularly import or
merge data with your existing trees, Kith and Kin Pro will help you identify,
merge and remove duplicated records.
Multiple notes for each person/family. Each note allows 30,000 characters
and you can have as many notes as you want. Give each note a description to
help you find it and a privacy level to let you control when it gets printed
or exported.
Data form edit fields pick lists. Right-click on, say, a "Place" field in a
person or family data form and a list of the places which you have already
used pops up. You just pick the one you want to get it entered into the field
with no typing.
Easily interfaces to TreeDraw, our best-selling add-on charting software.
Try it free! 30-day free trial.
Registered users get Kith and Kin Birthday Alert free! Never miss a birthday